fynotek numbers

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fynotek uses base 6/seximal, meaning it has 6 digits from 0-5 (as opposed to the typical decimal 0-9). once you reach 5, you need to add another digit; six is written as 10 in seximal. the rest of the numbers written in this section are written in seximal.

for each digit added in fynotek, you add a suffix; for example: “ay” is 1, “aypo” is 10. these suffixes cannot be applied to “fui” (zero).

numbers are listed from highest to smallest; for example, to say “15,” you’d say “aypo pur” (10 + 5).

to make numbers negative, say “ñy” before them; for example, to say “-42,” you’d say “ñy nospo fo” (no + 40 + 2).

to make a number a denominator, say “yla” after it; for example, to say “1/10,” you’d say “aypo yla” (10 + little). the numerator is implied to be 1, but to specify the numerator, say it after the “yla”; for example, to say “3/20,” you’d say “fopo yla us” (20 + little + 3).

to make a number ordinal, add the suffix “rea” to the last word in it. for example, “ayrea” means 1st, and “aypo ayrea” means 11th.

if a number is suffixed onto a word, i.e. "ñawanay" (2 cats), "yla" or "rea" can be attached directly after the number, i.e. "ñawafoyla" (1/2 of a cat) or "ñawausrea" (the 3rd cat).

you can find all digits and suffixes in the fynotek dictionary.

to do basic math in fynotek, you can use the following words:

simply say the equation without conjugating any words: "ay ah fo hao us"